A good thing is always first!

A good thing is always first!
Good thing always comes from good thinking. What one does for himself is always good for him but may not be good for others.  Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.

The words of Normal Vincent Peale – Change your thoughts and you change the world – are still ringing in my ears. But changing your thoughts about your priorities and the factors dominating your lifestyle, become the obstacle to bringing change in your thoughts.

Even when we think positively, the thing which will happen to you in a positive manner but if you think negatively, the things will happen positively for your but not for others. Our mind is just like gravity. If we are thinking with intention of positive, repeat positive results, obviously we about to experience good things.

But good thinking always improves our all energy level for our tomorrows. But you get a success with your better and positive thinking, and then you always start thinking good better than before even.
Frankly speaking, I recollect the incident, when a group of employees were sitting at one place with only a lady colleague who was a very good singer and it was decided to say, speak, sing something starting from one sitting beside me in a circle. Everyone was saying the other one to start but when I said, let it be from our lady colleague with a word ‘Good thing is always first’. 

She reacted like anything and the situation was controlled only with my following explanation.
Dear, we would never hear while addressing the audience as Gentlemen and Ladies.  Likewise, the differences among languages, the fact that in different languages the various words for ‘yes and no’ have different parts of speech and different usages, and that some languages lack a ‘yes-no’ word system, makes idiomatic translation difficult.

Not only this, one of the versatile teachers of my school time, I remember, gave the very simple formula as to which will be the first word in the combination of two words – Rich or Poor, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good or Bad, Yes or No – that good thing is always first.  In all these combinations are written and spoken first.

Thank God, I was saved with the start of a popular song of that time – Ni Mai Rusya Yaar Manana Ni….
I still sometimes commit to memory as to whether the song was symbolic of the incident or dedicated to me.  But after that, I do take care for a fraction of a second perhaps with the change in thoughts while saying – Good thing is always first.

Over to you with the same feelings!